Black Shed Studios
Painting and Art Classes
in Sussex the South East of England
A very warm welcome to Black Shed Studios
where you can paint and create in the beautiful Sussex countryside

Come join us for inspiring and relaxing art classes. Paint in watercolour or oils. Try your hand at batik or monotype.
Get inspired by our natural setting and have fun in the relaxed atmosphere at
Black Shed Studios with experienced teacher, professional artist and gardener,
Sandy Infield

We offer a wide range of art classes.
Join us for a few hours, a day or course. We can even tailor your course to your needs.
Whether you are a beginner wondering where to start or an experienced artist wanting to learn new skills, we can help. We teach in small groups and know that all our guests are individuals on their own journey.
Sandy was true to her word. Immediately upon meeting her I felt relaxed and ready to try anything. She is an amazing teacher, knowledgeable about so many things, but most importantly knowing how to present her knowledge and skills to help students in a way that gives them confidence in their own abilities as well. The class was fun, positive, enlightening, and opened my mind to many new possibilities in my pursuit of being an artist.
Nickiy Janczak
Black Shed Studios lies in the heart of Ashdown Forest which is about half way between London and the south coast.
Best known as the home of, Winnie the Pooh the Forest is a wild area of heathlands, wooded valleys and
far-reaching views.

Our large studio, built into the remains of an old workshop stands in three acres of gardens, meadows and ponds that open onto surrounding woodland and fields.
There are rooms nearby in pubs, B&B,s or hotels, we can provide you with an accommodation list.
Day courses include lunch prepared by professional chef Sue Bird.